
Nourishing with our affordable and accessible foods


Creating Better Days for 3 Billion People by the End of 2030

Our founder, W.K. Kellogg, believed that part of running a good business was doing good for society. This promise has guided our company for over a century. And it remains our promise to create better days, and a good and just world, for years to come.

Kellogg’s Better Days® is our promise to advance sustainable and equitable access to food by addressing the intersection of wellbeing, hunger, sustainability, and equity, diversity and inclusion.

Kellogg's Better Days addresses the intersection of wellbeing, hunger, sustainability and equity, diversity and inclusion

Sustainability, hunger, wellbeing and equity, diversity and inclusion are all interconnected. Our changing climate is impacting the health of people and reducing crop yields, leading to greater food insecurity. Many diverse and underserved communities are disproportionally impacted by climate change and now face higher barriers to health and access to nutritious foods. And these same communities are most at risk for undernutrition, hidden hunger and obesity.

For these reasons, one of the ways we are achieving our Kellogg’s Better Days® Promise is by nourishing 1 billion people by the end of 2030 with our affordable and accessible foods that deliver nutrients of need such as fiber and protein while also addressing micronutrient deficiency.

Complete details on all the material topics and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals we are working toward via our Kellogg’s Better Days® Promise are included in the Reporting section of this website.

How Kellogg is nourishing people with our foods

Our world faces an uncertain food future - a population growing to almost 10 billion by 20501, high rates of malnutrition in all its forms, food contributing significantly to carbon emissions2 and less than one third of people who can afford a healthy and sustainable diet.3

Good nutrition and simple grains have been at the heart of our company from our earliest days. More than a century later, our founder’s legacy continues to inspire us to deliver sustainable and equitable nutrition.

Through our plant-based foods, Kellogg has been actively involved in addressing the issue of food security and we are committed to work in partnership to create a better food system.

Behind our commitments are specific metrics to deliver our goals. The goal of 1 billion people nourished with our foods is based on the volume of food sold that meets the Kellogg Global Nutrition Criteria.   

  • Kellogg Global Nutrition Criteria covers nutrient criteria for positive nutrients, such as fiber, protein and micronutrients, as well as criteria for calories, sodium, saturated fat and total sugar.
  • We look at the volume of qualifying foods we sell around the world and calculate an estimate of how many people we have nourished. The number of qualifying foods is converted into a “people” metric. For more information, please visit our Kellogg’s™ Better Days Promise Commitments and Methodology.

[1] https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/agriculture/brief/food-security-update#:~:text=Globally%2C%20hunger%20levels%20remain%20alarmingly,previous%20high%20reached%20in%202020
[2] https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight
[3]  https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241516648
[4] https://www.un.org/en/chronicle/article/feeding-world-sustainably

Our progress as of December 2022
  • Since 2015, we've nourished more than 989 million people
  • 55% of our foods meet Kellogg Global Nutrition Criteria
  • 58% of our foods are at least a good source of Fiber (per CODEX4)
  • 46% of our foods contain at least one micronutrient (per regional regulation)
  • >90% of our foods carry front of pack nutrition labelling *per June /22 audit - most recent data
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