Q: Where can I find the number of Sling TV subscribers by state, city or market?

A: Sling is unable to disclose subscriber numbers; this information is not distributed publicly.

Q: I am a consumer reporter looking to facilitate a resolution for an existing or former Sling TV customer. Who should I contact?

A: Please email news@sling.com. Provide the customer’s name, phone number, email account associated with their account and an explanation of the matter at hand.

Q: Where do I submit a request to interview a Sling TV executive?

A: Please email news@sling.com. Provide your publication’s name, the purpose of the interview, sample questions and deadline.

Q: Where do I submit a request to review a Sling TV product?

A: Please email news@sling.com and provide your publication’s name and contact information.

Q: I am a Sling TV customer, and I need help with Sling service or billing. Who should I contact?

A: If you are a customer seeking assistance with Sling service or billing, please reach out to @SlingAnswers on Twitter or visit help.sling.com