Few businesses would argue that their IT systems wouldn’t benefit from additional security measures, particularly in the wake of last year’s major cyberattack against the US government and...

In the past year, we collectively experienced a pandemic that upended virtually every facet of our lives. These changes were particularly acute for women, who disproportionately shouldered the...

February 4, 2021 Today IBM unveiled its Quantum Development Roadmap, which showcases the company’s integrated vision and timeline for full-stack quantum development, including hardware,...

January 28, 2021 By Solomon Assefa and Marina Rakhlin Today, IBM along with a dozen other enterprises became the inaugural members of the MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium(MCSC). Together...

December 16, 2020 Data has been around for thousands of years in physical form, all the way back to cave paintings where primitive civilizations innovated ways to preserve tribal memories. The...



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