IBM Global Commuter Pain Survey: Traffic Congestion Down, Pain Way Up

-- 8,042 commuters in 20 cities on six continents surveyed
-- Drivers report more stress and frustration related to commuting worldwide
-- Forty one percent of commuters globally said improved public transportation would help reduce stress
-- Perception of traffic in emerging economies vs. more developed economies is improving
PR Newswire

ARMONK, N.Y., Sept. 8, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- A new IBM (NYSE: IBM) survey of the daily commute in a cross-section of some of the most economically important international cities reveals a startling dichotomy: while the commute has become a lot more bearable over the past year, drivers' complaints are going through the roof.


The annual global Commuter Pain survey, which IBM released today, reveals that in a number of cities more people are taking public transportation rather than driving, when compared with last year's survey. In many cities, there were big jumps in the percentage of respondents who said that roadway traffic has improved either "somewhat" or "substantially" in the past three years.

But that's only part of the story. In many cities, the survey recorded significant increases, when compared with last year, in the number of respondents who said that roadway traffic has increased their levels of personal stress and anger and negatively affected their performance at work or school.

"Commuting doesn't occur in a vacuum," said Naveen Lamba, IBM's global intelligent transportation expert. "A person's emotional response to the daily commute is colored by many factors - pertaining both to traffic congestion as well as to other, unrelated, issues. This year's Global Commuter Pain survey indicates that drivers in cities around the world are much more unsettled and anxious compared with 2010."

Infrastructure Investments in Emerging Markets

The survey results suggest that aggressive infrastructure investment in some of the most rapidly growing economies seems to be paying off. Compared with other cities surveyed, more commuters in Bangalore, New Delhi, Beijing and Shenzhen reported improvement in traffic conditions over the last three years. For example, last year Beijing was expected to invest approximately 80 billion yuan to improve its transportation infrastructure, and Mexico City is making a significant investment of $2.5 billion US over the next few years to better support the growing demands of its transportation network in one of the most populated urban areas in the world. With more than one billion cars on the road worldwide, cities are continuing to address traffic congestion and looking for new ways to handle the growing demand.

Even though commuters in many emerging market cities report that traffic is down, there is much room for improvement. The respondents in many of these same cities also report, with a greater frequency than the global average, that traffic negatively impacts their stress levels, physical health and productivity. For example, 86 percent of the respondents in Beijing, 87 percent in Shenzhen, 70 percent in New Delhi and 61 percent in Nairobi report traffic as a key inhibitor to work or school performance. Sixty seven percent of drivers in Mexico City, 63 percent in Shenzhen and New Delhi and 61 percent in Beijing said they had decided not to make a driving trip in the last month due to anticipated traffic - the most of all cities surveyed.

Commuting pain is also reflected globally as 69 percent of those surveyed indicated that traffic has negatively affected their health in some way. Some 42 percent of respondents globally reported increased stress and 35 percent reported increased anger. Respiratory problems due to traffic congestion were most prevalent in China and India.

A move to public transportation

The survey results reflect an increased willingness to use public transportation and technology to improve the commute. Overall, 41 percent believe improved public transit would help reduce traffic congestion. Consider that even though globally only 35 percent of people changed the way that they get to work or school in the last year, 45 percent of those who have are opting for public transit. An astonishing 70 percent of Nairobi residents report taking public transit more often in the last year on their daily commute. The biggest movement to public transit is in emerging cities including Nairobi, Mexico City, Shenzhen, Buenos Aires and Beijing. If this continues, it could help mitigate increasing traffic due to population growth and urbanization. Interestingly, the desire for more accurate and timely information about road conditions as a way to reduce stress was shared across a number of cities from Los Angeles and Chicago to Moscow and Bangalore.

IBM Commuter Pain Index

IBM compiled the results of the survey into its Commuter Pain Index that ranks the emotional and economic toll of commuting in each city, with the highest number being the most onerous. The Index reveals a tremendous disparity in the pain of the daily commute from city to city. Montreal had the least painful commute of the cities studied, followed by London and Chicago. Here's how the cities stack up:


The Commuter Pain Index is comprised of 10 issues: 1) commuting time, 2) time stuck in traffic, agreement that: 3) price of gas is already too high, 4) traffic has gotten worse, 5) start-stop traffic is a problem, 6) driving causes stress, 7) driving causes anger, 8) traffic affects work, 9) traffic so bad driving stopped, and 10) decided not to make trip due to traffic. The cities scored as follows: Mexico City: 108; Shenzhen 95; Beijing 95; Nairobi 88; Johannesburg 83; Bangalore 75; New Delhi 72; Moscow 65; Milan 53; Singapore 44; Buenos Aires 42; Los Angeles 34; Paris 31; Madrid 28; New York City 28; Toronto 27; Stockholm 26; Chicago 25; London 23; and Montreal 21.

"We can't simply build our way out of congestion no matter which city," said Vinodh Swaminathan, director of intelligent transportation systems, IBM. "In order to improve traffic flow and congestion, cities need to move beyond knowing and reacting; they have to find ways to anticipate and avoid situations that cause congestion that could turn the world into one giant parking lot."

Survey Snapshot: Notable Movers & Interesting Trends

    --  Fourteen of the 15 cities surveyed in both 2010 and 2011 reported
        year-over-year increases in respondents who said that traffic had
        improved either "somewhat" or "substantially" over the past three years,
        with many of the cities posting substantial increases. For example, New
        York (24% in 2011 vs. 12% in 2010), Toronto (23% in 2011 vs. 8% in
        2010), Milan (27% in 2011 vs. 7% in 2010), Stockholm (42% in 2011 vs.
        18% in 2010), Moscow (31% in 2011 vs. 16%), and Johannesburg (29% in
        2011 vs. 13% in 2010)

    --  Despite improving traffic conditions, 12 of the 15 cities surveyed in
        both 2010 and 2011 reported year-over-year increases in respondents who
        said that roadway traffic has increased their stress levels, with
        several cities posting substantial increases. For example, New York (45%
        in 2011 vs. 13% in 2010), Los Angeles (44% in 2011 vs. 21% in 2010),
        Toronto (40% in 2011 vs. 14% in 2010), London (33% in 2011 vs. 19% in
        2010), Milan (61% in 2011 vs. 38% in 2010), and Johannesburg (52% in
        2011 vs. 30% in 2010).

    --  Eleven of the 15 cities surveyed in both 2010 and 2011 reporter
        year-over-year increases in respondents who said that roadway traffic
        has made them angry, with several cities posting substantial increases.
        For example, New York (35% in 2011 vs. 14% in 2010), Los Angeles, (29%
        in 2011 vs. 14% in 2010), and Toronto (29% in 2011 vs. 14% in 2010).

    --  Eleven of the 15 cities surveyed in both 2010 and 2011 reported
        year-over-year increases in respondents who said that traffic has
        negatively affected their performance at work or school, with several
        cities posting substantial increases. For example, New York (28% in 2011
        vs. 8% in 2010), Toronto (29% in 2011 vs. 17% in 2010), Madrid (30% in
        2011 vs. 21% in 2010), Paris (35% in 2011 vs. 26% in 2010), Milan (40%
        in 2011 vs. 21% in 2010), Stockholm (25% in 2011 vs. 14% in 2010), and
        Moscow (34% in 2011 vs. 25% in 2010).

    --  When asked about the longest amount of time they have been stuck in
        traffic over the past three years, the mean time reported by drivers in
        Mexico City, Moscow, Beijing, Shenzhen and Nairobi were notable, with
        delays of about two hours. In Moscow, approximately three in ten drivers
        (29 percent) say they have been stuck for over three hours. By
        comparison, about half of the drivers surveyed in Stockholm, Singapore,
        Madrid and Buenos Aires reported spending less than 30 minutes or
        literally no time stuck in traffic.

    --  The percentage of New York metro area drivers who are driving to work or
        school alone decreased to 59 percent in 2011 vs. 90 percent last year.

    --  If traffic didn't take up so much time, commuters would rather devote it
        to personal relationships and improving their physical health. More than
        half of respondents (56 percent) would spend time won back with
        family/friends; while nearly half (48 percent) would exercise and 40
        percent would spend more time on recreation. Nearly three in ten drivers
        (29 percent) would sleep more.

    --  Commuters in Nairobi seem to take traffic in stride despite the fact
        that they average among the longest commutes. Nearly half (48 percent)
        report that roadway traffic has not impacted their health.

    --  On average, drivers in Nairobi, Mexico City, Johannesburg, Beijing,
        Bangalore, and Moscow spend the longest amount of time (36 minutes or
        more) on the road to get to their workplace or school.

About the IBM Commuter Pain Survey

The Commuter Pain survey is conducted by IBM to better understand consumer attitudes around traffic congestion as the issue reaches crisis proportions around the world and higher levels of auto emissions stir environmental concerns. These events are impacting communities around the world, where governments, citizens and private sector organizations are looking beyond traditional remedies like additional roads and greater access to public transportation to reverse the negative impacts of increased road congestion.

This is IBM's fourth annual Commuter Pain survey. IBM began conducting the survey in the United States in 2008 and expanded it to 20 global cities in 2010. Findings from the Commuter Pain survey will be used to assess citizen concerns about traffic and commuter issues; enhance smarter transportation solutions such as traffic prediction intelligent tolling systems, road user charging, advanced traffic management and integrated fare management and serve as a basis for pioneering new approaches to improving transportation.

IBM is working with cities, governments and others around the world to make their transportation systems smarter. Smarter transportation systems can help traffic and public transit systems flow more smoothly, anticipate and improve congestion in advance, reduce emissions and increase the capacity of infrastructure.

Read the IBM report on the 2011 Commuter Pain Survey here. Join us for a Twitter chat #2011CommuterPain with @kalgyimesi, automotive leader for IBM Institute for Business Value and one of the study authors, on September 12 at 12 PM ET.

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Editors' Note: Photos are available via the Associated Press Photo Network and on Feature Photo Services link at

Note to journalists and bloggers: For a video, images of traffic in the 20 surveyed cities and more, please visit or the Commuter Pain Survey press kit here.

Contact:Sara Delekta GalliganIBM Media