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Oct 4, 2018
AARP Bulletin Reveals 10 Ways the Midterm Elections Could Change the Future for Older Americans
Special report details how Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, retirement savings plans and other key programs are at stake this election

WASHINGTON, DC—How America votes in the midterm election could influence major policy decisions at the federal and state levels that could affect the lives of all older Americans for decades to come, according to a special report in the October issue of the AARP Bulletin. In a comprehensive pre-election package of stories and graphics, AARP makes its strongest case yet of why all Americans need to vote in November, and provides background, insights and support to help older Americans make decisions and get to the polls.

Leading the package is “Ten Ways the Midterm Elections Will Affect Older Americans,” which details how Congress and state legislatures could change laws regarding healthcare, caregiving, Medicaid and other crucial programs and issues based on the outcome of the vote. Other highlights include:

  • A comprehensive look at how the election could affect age discrimination laws in a time in which biases against older workers are on a sharp increase (the final in a five-part series on the election issues of greatest impact to older Americans);
  • Detailed graphics that reveal the full scope of who and what is being voted on, including a roundup of the key state initiatives being put to voters;
  • AARP Chief Executive Officer Jo Ann Jenkins on AARP’s positions and hopes for the election, and how its “Be the Difference. Vote” campaign can help educate and mobilize voters.

Other stories in the October issue:


  • Flu Deaths On The Rise For Older Americans:  Flu deaths among older Americans have gone up six fold over the past two years, an exclusive investigation by AARP reveals, in part due to vaccines that are proving to be only modestly successful. The article offers ways for older Americans to protect themselves, including getting a higher-dosage vaccination, practicing good health habits and being up-to-date with the pneumococcal vaccine if age 65 or older. The article highlights government efforts to develop new, more effective vaccines and the challenges involved in improving vaccine success rates.
  • Brush Away Your Health Risks: A surprising two-page poster reveals the little-known and surprising ways that teeth brushing (or the lack of it) affects your entire body, and can increase your risks of diseases that seem to have no connection to dental health, such as cancer or heart disease. Also provided: a look at toothpaste, mouthwash, floss and other dental hygiene tools, based on latest breakthroughs and top dentist assessments.


  • Left Alone – And At A Loss: In an extraordinary first-person story, writer Leslie Milk shares the financial challenges she encountered after losing her husband to brain cancer. The article outlines the financial dos and don’ts for the days and weeks after losing a spouse and provides “10 Steps to Help Protect a Spouse” to educate readers on what couples can do now to get their financial house in order. Tips include sharing passwords, knowing where all financial information is located, setting up advance directives and checking credit cards to make sure both names are on the account.

Your Life

  • How They Track You: This shocking article and multi-page graphic details every way that information about you is being legally gathered in a typical day by companies or government agencies: while you’re at home, on the road, in a store, or even commuting to work. Readers can also learn how to protect themselves by using virtual private networks, changing web browsers and not sharing their location when using apps.

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About AARP Bulletin
The definitive news source for AARP’s members, AARP Bulletin ( reaches more than 23.5 million households each month in print, with additional news and in-depth coverage online. Covering health and health policy, Medicare, Social Security, consumer protection, personal finance, and AARP state and national news developments, AARP Bulletin delivers the story behind the key issues confronting 50+ America. The monthly consumer-oriented news publication has become a must-read for congressional lawmakers and Washington opinion leaders, and it provides AARP members with pertinent information they need to know.

About AARP
AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering people 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. With a nationwide presence and nearly 38 million members, AARP strengthens communities and advocates for what matters most to families: health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. AARP also produces the nation's largest circulation publications: AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. To learn more, visit or follow @AARP and @AARPadvocates on social media.

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