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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 70 million Americans suffer from chronic...

In the middle of nowhere in southern New Mexico, Army Col. (Ret.) Dave Parramore reached a breaking point. “It was pretty clear I was going no further,” Dave said. His solo cross-country bike...

Making new friends can be difficult at any age. Children of military-connected parents have the added difficulties of...

Stress has a way of taking over every aspect of our lives if we don’t keep it in check. Some stress-reducing remedies...

Veteran Employment Trending Positively but Need Remains Great One year after the veteran unemployment rate skyrocketed to nearly 12%...

A sprout quietly bursts through the earth, absorbing its first taste of direct sunlight. Similarly, injured veterans grew to...

Healthy living is not easy, especially for those coping with injury and illness after service. Because every person’s journey...

Navy veteran Deborah Tucker would like to play on the floor with her three-year-old son Logan without feeling pain. A spinal...

For nearly two decades, post-9/11 veterans have been exposed to contaminants such as burn pits, toxic fragments, radiation...

An all-female group of warriors spent two days on Monarch Mountain learning how to ski and snowboard as part of the Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) Soldier Ride®...

Army veteran Bobby Henline’s humor goes beyond coping with injuries. His humor uplifts and inspires veterans and civilians...

Finances. Work. Family schedules. Health. If reading any of those words caused a spike in your heart rate...

Worry, fear, and anxiety about being able to pay monthly bills or save for the future can lead to financial stress...

When someone enlists in the military, they are prepared to travel in support of serving their country. They are committed...

We all know stress affects emotional and mental health, but often the symptoms of stress show up more noticeably in our physical health. While stress affects...

Standard Marine Corps uniform: coat, pants, belt…trombone? It was for wounded warrior Ixchel Perez...

Joyce Simon had her ducks in a row. The Army medic carefully planned her transition out of the military more...

For the past seven months, female warriors met in groups and one-on-one to connect and play golf. The female golf...

Army Reserve veteran Keara Torkelson was getting ready to deploy to Iraq with her unit when a mass shooting at Fort Hood...

Superfoods are rich in micronutrients — one of the major groups of nutrients your body needs. From fiber to phytochemicals...

In the fall of 1976, Jennifer (Jen) Silva was just starting kindergarten, while 119 women entered the halls of West Point...

Todd McCormick took a 25-mile bike ride through Suffolk County on New York’s Long Island. He knew the route well; he’s ridden it before. Except this time, it was different — he rode with his...

Military life for a woman is different than it is for a man. There are often few women — or only one woman — in a unit...

Bethzaida Cabrera does not need to be in the limelight. She is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran who prefers diligent...

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