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For more about how Wounded Warrior Project® connects, serves, and empowers Wounded Warriors, click here.

Having recently surpassed an extraordinary number of registrants served — more than 150,000 post-9/11...

The pandemic has affected us all in major, unpredictable ways. Combine that with some of the things wounded warriors...

We all have problems we struggle with daily: figuring out what’s for dinner, juggling family members’ schedules...

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (Feb. 1, 2021) — Completing one Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) Carry Forward® 5K wasn’t...

Applying for disability compensation benefits with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can be challenging...

In 2020, there were hard days followed by harder days for Christine Schei, caregiver to her son Erik. While deployed in Iraq...

With 2021 in full swing, many veterans are considering new goals, new wishes, and potentially new jobs...

With 2020 in everyone’s rearview mirror, many are ready to shed the pandemic blanket, jump off the couch and into a new year...

Brady Busby spent nine out of his 14 years of military service in combat-related deployments. The Army veteran...

As we move forward from the frenzy of the holidays, we find time to refresh and reset. This includes pausing to consider how...

NORAD tracks Santa. USAF photo by Staff Sgt. Alexandra M. Longfellow

North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has a serious job protecting our skies and seas from enemy invasions. Working with other commands...

walk for wounded warriors - veteran marathon

Imagine walking a marathon, all 26.2 miles of it. Then add about eight more miles. And do that every day for five days in a row. That’s what retired Army...

In so many ways, this year has been different for Michael Purcell...

Thank you wholeheartedly to Wounded Warrior Project for all the phenomenal programs that contributed to me becoming a stronger mother, warrior, Army retiree, and the person that I am today...

We had enough sour moments in 2020, so it’s only natural to seek sweeter and cuddlier pursuits at year’s end...

Joy is not the same as happiness, according to a Yale University researcher. Joy is a purposeful choice to see beyond the circumstances, and it can be felt...

Air Force veteran Tom Marcum candidly admits that without help and support from Wounded Warrior Project...

2020 has felt like being in a time warp. The days have slowly inched along like melted wax dripping down a candle. But the year also gives us a sense of a candle extinguished too soon; how is it...

Asking for help does not always come naturally to warriors, but like your battle buddies in the military, the Resource Center at Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) has your six. WWP’s Resource...

Smells of turkey, stuffing, squash casserole, and pecan pie wafted through the air as joyful music notes bounced off the walls. It was time to eat dinner — in front of a computer screen with...

Because of the spread of COVID-19, we have all experienced what it feels like to be separated from those we love. But deployed service members are living those emotions...

After participating in several transition-focused events, Kenneth Weinstock thought he knew everything about separating from the Army. That was...

America’s streets, parks, and stores are less frequented these days. The ghost of life pre-pandemic hangs empty in the air...

Wounded warrior John Goubeaux sewing masks at home.

2020 is a year students will read about in history books generations from now. From the COVID-19 pandemic...

Jason Ehrhart and his service dog at home.

Giving Tuesday is an altruistic holiday that has grown by leaps and bounds since its inception in 2012. The observance happens five days after Thanksgiving...

Jeremiah Pauley while in Iraq.

Veterans Day isn’t just about the veterans themselves. Although the focus is on veterans, there are people behind the scenes making sacrifices, too. Families of veterans have learned to live...

KERNERSVILLE, N.C. (Nov. 23, 2020) — Andrew Long has a lot of work ahead of him. He recently purchased a 23-acre farm in North Carolina with structures dating back to the late 1800s. Not only...

For many people, 17 is just a number. But for those in the military community, it’s representative of something much more palpable and problematic — the number of veterans who die by suicide...

In October, more than 200 injured veterans came together in a virtual webinar hosted by Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) to learn about livestreaming. The event was the largest single-day...

By Roberto Cruz, U.S. Army (Ret.) I live and raise my daughters in a safe Florida neighborhood. I can walk down the street and enjoy the sunshine. But there was a time when I didn’t think I...

Army veteran Steven Swiger developed a mantra he likes to live by that concludes every email he sends: “If you wake on the breathing side of the bed, you have already won.” After a challenging...

Veterans Day is all about military veterans. But why do we honor veterans on November 11? When did Veterans Day start?...

Sleep problems are the most commonly reported health problem, with 84% of WWP warriors experiencing them.

When we changed the clocks to “fall back” one hour, did most of us get an extra hour of sleep? Unfortunately, for many us, and particularly for most veterans...

For many, it’s easy to remember balancing atop a bicycle for the first time as a child. The sense of accomplishment and...

During this pandemic, it can become easy to fall into sedentary behavior. It’s more important than ever to maintain...

Gabe George was involved in a nearly fatal motorcycle accident in 2009. The accident altered everything he planned for in life...

Maintaining a healthy weight can be challenging for many wounded warriors.

Navy veteran Rachelle Dygowski was fighting a losing battle with stress and weight gain. She developed thyroid problems and was at risk...

Evelia Ruiz had to learn quickly about traumatic brain injury to help her son...

Navy veteran Don Monroe’s children used to wonder which version of dad...

Amid thoughts of killing himself multiple times a day, Sergio Alfaro did what he could just to stay alive. He could barely...

Army veteran Jason Foster was used to existing in a space surrounded by self-constructed walls. A roadside bomb...

Army veteran Steven Swiger wasn’t injured at war and always felt like Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) resources...

When military service ends, veterans face a major transition to civilian life. It’s a time to find a new...

Talking about suicide can be scary, but you don’t have to be an expert to do it...

You can be called plenty of things in the Navy. But according to Barry Floyd, nothing beats earning the title of “Doc.”

Becky Ross is a longtime supporter of veterans through her volunteer work...

Warrior Sharona Young stays active and grateful through adaptive sports, including handcycling.

The benefits of showing gratitude are deeper than we may realize. Although it’s a simple action often found among self-care...

There are never any “right things to say” when it comes to talking about suicide. The important thing is that we talk about it...

Dan Nevins, WWP warrior and yoga teacher

Exposure to traumatic combat and operational experiences affects veterans spiritually, psychologically, biologically...

A mother’s love for her children is never-ending. It endures all the joys along with the trials. From the days of nurturing a child beginning at birth and into adulthood, to enduring the growing...

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