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A Mother Never Forgets

A mother’s love for her children is never-ending. It endures all the joys along with the trials. From the days of nurturing a child beginning at birth and into adulthood, to enduring the growing pains alongside them as they learn right from wrong, moms are there. These women are celebrated every May.

But another group of mothers is recognized every September — those who have experienced great loss. On Gold Star Mothers and Families Day, we honor the parents of children who have died during military service. This is not a celebratory holiday, but rather a time when the nation pauses to recognize the strength and sacrifices of those who gave life, only to have that gift taken away.

“Daniel and I fought a great fight in trying to keep him alive,” said Mary Tallouzi. “But I lost my baby boy. I couldn’t believe it! It is the depths of your heart breaking and soul dying.”

Mary raised three children — Christopher, Daniel, and Jennifer. Her children were surrounded by immediate and extended family who had served in the military. Mary’s two oldest brothers served three tours each during the Vietnam War. She was not surprised when Christopher and Daniel entered the Army after high school.

When Christopher deployed to the Middle East, Mary felt that he was prepared because he’d served in Kuwait and Bosnia. But when Daniel deployed, he had no previous experiences like Christopher. Still, the family was not worried because Daniel’s role was in aviation, and “nothing ever happened to those aviation guys.”

But everything changed when Daniel was wounded in 2006...

Read the rest of the story in the September 2020 issue of Homeland magazine.  


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