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Top 7 Reasons to Hire a Wounded Warrior

While we could list thousands of reasons to hire a veteran, some stand out more than others for Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) career counselors. In honor of National Hire a Veteran Day July 25, our Warriors to Work® team compiled the top reasons to hire a wounded warrior:

7. Sacrifice

Nobody understands this better than a wounded warrior. Looking for someone who knows the whole is greater than the self? This is the ultimate team player.

6. Leadership

You don’t have to earn the rank of general to be a leader in the military. Sometimes being a leader means learning to listen. After you’ve taken a few thousand orders, you get really good at this skill. Additionally, warriors who have spent even a few years in the military have usually been put in charge of someone and/or something with potential life-altering consequences. This takes leadership to a whole new level that most of us never experience!  

5. Love, Heart, Passion

It goes without saying that people who volunteer to put their lives on the line are hard-wired a bit differently than your average employee. Nobody has more heart, passion, and love for the mission than a wounded warrior. This includes your company’s mission. 

4. Determination

Despite limitations due to injuries, warriors never give up. You will never find a more determined group of people to add to your workforce.   

3. Strong Work Ethic

Warriors are used to working long hours under hostile and formidable conditions. They volunteered for the job! A bad day at the office is a walk in the park for these heroes. Looking for someone with true get-up-and-go? Wounded warriors have unquestionably strong work ethics.

2. Commitment

Look up the word in the dictionary, and you will see a veteran’s picture. In all seriousness, what kind of person wakes up one morning and decides to sign away their personal rights to serve and protect people they do not know? Warriors, that’s who – and wounded warriors in particular have a resolve and commitment like no other.

1. Ability to Adapt and Overcome

Have you seen warriors with missing limbs or burns and wondered how they overcome? Perhaps you know someone with the invisible wounds of war who refuses to give up. Wounded warriors are a special breed that have the ability to adapt and overcome, despite facing enormous obstacles and challenges. This is no doubt the top reason to hire a wounded warrior.

Looking to hire wounded warriors? Wounded Warrior Project helps veterans prepare for, train, and find jobs. Learn more about the career counseling program that empowers warriors to achieve their highest ambitions. 


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