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Wounded Veterans Receive Personalized Job-Seeking Skills Training

HONOLULU, Jan. 24, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Veterans met with Bank of Hawaii in Kapolei to practice their employment-seeking skills and to learn about job opportunities available to them through Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) career counseling services.

Warriors receive face-to-face job interview skills training during Wounded Warrior Project career counseling program.

The event, organized through WWP's Warriors to Work®, brought together warriors, family members, and recruiters. They received information on current job openings; learned how to tailor their specific military experience to match banking industry job requirements; and performed one-on-one mock interviews for personalized feedback.

"The more events like this I attend, the more confident I feel," said Navy veteran Anthony Amadeo. "The amount of information available is invaluable and makes a difference in how I approach my job search."

Warriors mentioned how helpful it was to have feedback from industry professionals about how they currently perform during job interviews and where they can improve.

"Sitting down with a recruiter to discuss how I did during a mock interview is extremely valuable," said Anthony. "Gaining experience increases confidence, which is important when walking into a live job interview."

WWP works with employers across the country to connect them with qualified candidates, provide information about combat-related injuries, facilitate productive onboarding processes, and develop long-lasting relationships throughout the life cycle of employment.

"These men and women have given so much for our country, and Bank of Hawaii supports their efforts to find a fulfilling civilian career," said Scott Miyaki, corporate recruiter, Bank of Hawaii. "I will do anything I can do to help them with their transitions."

In fiscal year 2018, Warriors to Work program efforts helped place more than 2,300 injured veterans and family members in careers. The combined salaries and benefits of those hired warriors and family members exceeded $100 million.

All career counseling services are offered free of charge to injured veterans and employers, connecting uniquely qualified candidates with companies that can put their skills to use.

Help connect more wounded veterans with local companies seeking qualified job applicants at

About Wounded Warrior Project
Since 2003, Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) has been meeting the growing needs of warriors, their families, and caregivers – helping them achieve their highest ambition. Learn more:

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SOURCE Wounded Warrior Project

For further information: Perry Athanason - Public Relations,, 904.654.2193



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