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Veteran Employment: Wounded Warrior Project Steers Vets to Civilian Jobs

DALLAS, Feb. 7, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Jarrod Tallman is proof that persistence pays off. The Marine Corps veteran ran into roadblocks while transitioning from military life to a civilian career. He had the experience from his 11 years in the military. He had the education. What he did not have was a career fit. But 11 years after his military service ended because of injury, Jarrod says he has new purpose.

Jarrod Tallman has conquered many challenges with the help of Wounded Warrior Project, from fitting into this cycling outfit, to finding the right career fit.

"I haven't had a job I thoroughly enjoyed since 2012," Jarrod said.

He is now the Director of Purchasing for UT Southwestern Medical Center. It is a job he originally had not considered as a "veteran job."

"I had zero medical background. But I did have a background in supply, logistics, and management." Those skills – sharpened during his Marine career – made Jarrod an ideal job candidate, but he needed encouragement.

"Wounded Warrior Project staff talked to me about how my experience translated to this role." Jarrod applied online and had an interview the same day. Now, seven months later, Jarrod is thriving in his new position.

Finding the right fit isn't easy though. Jarrod connected with Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) after leaving the service. He turned to WWP career counseling to help find a role in the civilian workforce.

"I worked on my resume and my online presence," Jarrod said. "Wounded Warrior Project coached me on interviewing and helped me with networking."

WWP veteran career counseling ( works to get wounded veterans gainfully employed and feeling more whole again. In fiscal year 2016, WWP helped more than 2,600 warriors and family members find employment. In turn, they combined to earn nearly $100 million during the year. This impact not only improves the lives of these families, it increases each warrior's self-worth. 

The WWP logo depicts one warrior carrying another warrior off the battlefield. Each WWP program is designed to help these veterans improve from the warrior being carried to the one helping and supporting his or her fellow service member. Jarrod is proof of how impactful WWP career counseling is. Now he wants to give back.

"Veterans can adapt and overcome. I want to mentor warriors to adjust to the right civilian job."

About Wounded Warrior Project
Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) connects, serves, and empowers wounded warriors. Read more at


SOURCE Wounded Warrior Project

For further information: Rob Louis - Public Relations,, 904.627.0432



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