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Game Plan When Dining Out Results in Better Choices

Wounded Warrior Project Empowers Veterans to Live Heathier

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., May 24, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Veterans know the combination of dining out and reduced physical activity can be bad for the waistline as they transition back to civilian life. But that doesn't mean eliminating date night.

Wounded Warrior Project empowers veterans with the knowledge while dining out to enjoying a delightful, yet healthy, meal. We will explore three ways to make healthier choices, starting with scouting the menu in advance.

Knowledge and willpower are effective tools for enjoying a delightful, yet healthy, meal. Eating out should be special, not an excuse to over-indulge. Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) empowers veterans to use some basic guidelines to turn a night on the town into a healthier fine-dining experience.

As an added benefit, eating healthy improves mental health. Reduced-calorie diets that include vegetables can help with depression.

When we are dining out, we are going to have more calories, bigger portion sizes, more sodium, more saturated and trans fats, and a higher sugar content – all bad things. But there are different strategies we can use to cut down on those extra calories, fat, sugar, and sodium.

We will explore three ways to make healthier choices during a night out on the town: scouting the menu in advance, creating a healthy and comfortable environment, and being salad-smart.

Let's get started with scouting the menu in advance.

Most restaurants post their menus online, including calorie count and nutritional content, so you can decide beforehand what you're going to order. By having a game plan before you walk through the door, it's easier to choose a healthier meal without being side-tracked by the sights and smells of other foods.

Be the first to order at the table so you're not swayed by other choices. Pick restaurants that specialize in grilled steaks, grilled or baked seafood, and low-carb breakfast foods like bacon and eggs. Feel free to order healthy items from the kids and appetizer menus. Just remember to skip the entree.

Registering with WWP is a good way for veterans to stay on a healthy path, with access to Physical Health and Wellness events that include adaptive sports, nutrition coaching, and recreational activities.

To learn other healthy tips for dining out, visit To learn other ways WWP is helping warriors with fitness and nutrition, visit

About Wounded Warrior Project
Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) connects, serves, and empowers wounded warriors. Read more at


SOURCE Wounded Warrior Project

For further information: Vesta Anderson - Public Relations, Email:, Phone: 904.570.0771



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