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Wounded Warrior Project Launches Mental Health Support Line

ST. CHARLES, Mo., March 14, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Having recently hit a huge milestone of serving more than 100,000 combat warriors – in addition to their families and caregivers – Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) fully launched one of its highly popular pilot programs. WWP Talk is a mental health support line that is an invaluable, non-clinical form of emotional support for warriors, family members, and caregivers. The program has been a lifeline to more than 2,500 participants to date, with 92 percent reporting satisfaction with WWP Talk in 2016 alone.

"Warriors coping with trauma return home with a loss of confidence in all they once believed and trusted," said Ryan Kules, WWP mental health director. "They become increasingly isolated when society lacks understanding for their injuries and experiences, and it results all too frequently in the tragedy of suicide. What warriors desperately need is just one person who can be there for them consistently to provide that first step in reconnecting to life and gaining a sense of empowerment. This is why the WWP Talk program is crucial – and why it's been so successful."

Each week, participants speak with the same helpline support member, developing an ongoing relationship and a safe, non-judgmental outlet to share thoughts, feelings, and experiences. WWP's professionally trained staff help warriors build resilience, develop coping skills, and achieve goals to improve overall quality of health.

"The Talk program saved my life," said Angela Peacock, U.S. Army wounded warrior. "It has helped me get to the heart of things – set goals, challenge myself, and find my own solutions. The person who called me was the only person besides my therapist to provide me unconditional support. His calls gave me something to look forward to and to live for."

Through the generous support of donors, the mental health support line is available at no cost to warriors, family members, and caregivers registered with WWP. It serves as a stepping stone in the recovery process for many of them.

To learn and see more about how WWP connects, serves, and empowers wounded warriors, visit, and click on multimedia.

About Wounded Warrior Project
Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) connects, serves, and empowers wounded warriors. Read more at



SOURCE Wounded Warrior Project

For further information: Vesta M. Anderson - Public Relations Specialist,, 904.570.0771



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