IBM says “hej” to Copenhagen with its 10th global Cloud Garage

February 7, 2018
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If 2017 was any indication, this is a pivotal point for disruption in the cloud.

Disruptors are reinventing business processes and leading their industries with digital transformations.  Adopting real-time strategies, DevOps methodologies, data-driven decision making, and innovative technology evens the playing field.  All of that requires transformation.

Enterprises are looking to innovate rapidly and transform the speed at which they deliver apps and analytics, in turn meeting business imperatives and turning the tides of disruption in their favor. Many of these companies recognize cloud as a key underpinning of the digital enterprise they are looking to build. What they are also realizing is that the technology components, whilst critical, are not the only dimension that will enable a sustainable transformation. Companies are discovering they also need to change aspects of their culture, processes and skills to adopt cloud and deliver compelling apps.

This is where the IBM Cloud Garage comes in. Today, IBM is expanding its network of global IBM Cloud Garages and opening the 10th IBM Cloud Garage in Copenhagen.

Fading are the days in which companies develop apps slowly, taking weeks or months to define requirements before turning an idea into action. The IBM Cloud Garages have a proven formula to design, develop, and manage apps which deliver compelling experiences to end users.  The Garage formula brings together stakeholders — designers, product owners, developers and architects — to collaborate with IBM experts in collaborative spaces in startup communities.

These teams create and build apps and analytics solutions using the prescriptive guidance of the IBM Cloud Garage Method: bringing together IBM Design Thinking, agile and DevOps practices, and site reliability engineering. IBM Cloud Garages leverage a plethora of high-value cloud services such as AI, DevOps, Internet of Things (IoT), analytics and blockchain to rapidly build and deploy new and competitive apps, analytics, and processes.

In Copenhagen, this new Garage will be a significant addition for the Nordic country, which has committed to growing its tech economy and is quickly becoming an attractive digital hub for startups and companies looking to test and develop new innovations.

For instance, C&C Travel, a Danish travel company, used the Garage Design Thinking process to step outside of the box and formulate new ways to use data and mobile technologies via the cloud to improve travelers’ user experiences. Partnering with the Garage enabled the team to be more challenging and disruptive in their thinking, transform their culture and build new expertise.

As the Garage network expands geographically, it also continues to expand its practices and technology expertise; including business opportunity identification, data science, visual recognition services, and IBM Cloud Private.  New focus areas and practices of the Garage are continuously driven by the expanded capabilities and services of IBM Cloud, and by the experiences our of clients and their expanding needs. It is exciting to see the innovative projects and practices our talented team is driving in our Copenhagen Garage.

Organizations are already building AI, blockchain and IoT apps on our cloud, and they’re seeking more ways to access these tools and new methods to innovate with them. Our Garages complete this final piece of the puzzle. As we continue to add new Garages around the world, we will continue to bring together design thinking, agile process and the power of the cloud to help better fuel innovations across industries and regions.

Learn more about IBM Cloud Garages.