IBM Helps Advance Collaboration Methods in Education Practices Around the World

PR Newswire

ARMONK, N.Y., March 31, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- IBM (NYSE: IBM) today showcased how the education industry across the globe is implementing IBM Connections to help transform working methods and accelerate productivity. With IBM collaboration technology individuals and organizations are equipped with the skills needed to thrive in the emerging digital workplace.

By using IBM Connections, users work in virtual teams on specific projects. They access data easily, collaborate with their peers and teammates in different locations, work on the same content and share their information quickly. This level of knowledge sharing also allows people to find the right experts on a topic when they need them. Enterprises and universities using this technology include:

  • USC Marshall School of Business: After experiencing disappointment with project deliverables in the University Student Collaboration Initiative competition, a competition among 20-plus virtual teams composed of some 100 students from three universities - USC Marshall, the University of Arizona and Aalto University in Finland - USC Marshall professors were searching for a way to improve virtual team collaboration. By having teams standardized on the SocialStudent platform for virtual collaboration based on IBM Connections software, there was twice as many teams delivered high quality project deliverables, 62 percent boost in team coordination, and 65 percent improvement in ease of students doing their jobs when using the SocialStudent platform.
  • Deltagruppen: As a social enterprise that specializes in providing adult education, career advisory services, and more, the company was under pressure to deliver training and support services that help Norwegians find meaningful work against rising costs. By implementing a new collaboration platform, IBM Connections Cloud S2, they have reduced travel costs by 20 percent, enabled staff to simplify their workload by collaborating on projects from multiple locations, freeing them to focus on service delivery.
  • University of Koblenz-Landau: For the last seven years, the Institution has conducted extensive research to understand the way enterprise companies in Germany and around the world collaborate using IBM Connections. As a result of this project – IndustryConnect – they have produced numerous reports on their insights regarding what constitutes successful collaboration. To put their findings into practice, the University of Koblenz-Landau wanted to equip their students with the skills to thrive in the emerging digital workplace and give them a chance to work with enterprise-class collaboration systems. By developing UniConnect – an integrated collaboration environment based on IBM Connections – the Institution offers the latest tools to students, researchers, member universities and industry partners to work together on collaborative research and teaching projects —and continues to support cutting-edge research in the discipline.

"Without question, our work with IBM Connections has helped transform our approach to collaboration inside the university and beyond," said Prof. Dr. Susan Williams, Leader of the Enterprise Information Management Research Group, Faculty of Computer Science, Koblenz Campus, University of Koblenz-Landau.

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