IBM to Hire 2,000 U.S. Veterans into New Collar Technology Careers

America's largest tech employer expands technology certification program for military veterans
PR Newswire

WASHINGTON, March 17, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- IBM (NYSE: IBM), America's largest technology employer, today announced it will hire 2,000 U.S. veterans over the next four years. These positions are part of the company's broader pledge to hire 25,000 U.S. workers through 2020, and many are "new collar jobs" that do not always require a four-year college degree.

"The men and women who have served in our country's armed forces have unique talents and skill sets that make them a natural fit for some of the technology industry's most exciting fields," said Diane Gherson, IBM's Senior Vice President of Human Resources. "Many of the positions IBM is eager to fill are new collar jobs. What's most important in these roles is having the right mix of skills and experience that our clients need in fast-growing areas like cloud computing, cybersecurity, network management, and digital design. Veterans bring a disciplined work ethic as well as strong collaboration and communications skills acquired through their military service, all capabilities that IBM values highly."

Furthering its commitment to help veterans build new collar job skills, IBM also has expanded its nationwide program to train U.S. vets in software that is widely used in the defense and law enforcement industries. Since January 2016, IBM has been hosting one U.S. training session per month that certifies participating veterans in the use of i2 Analysts' Notebook. Recent training sessions have taken place in Pittsburgh, Tampa, and Las Vegas, with upcoming sessions in Philadelphia, Fort Drum, and Houston. More than 500 veterans have been trained to-date, and hundreds more will participate in the program this year.

The free certification in IBM analytics solutions that will aid in cybersecurity and national security software skills is followed-up with career placement services provided by Corporate America Supports You, a nationwide non-profit that provides employment assistance for current and former military personnel, together with IBM and other corporate partners. This veterans employment initiative is part of IBM's philanthropic impact grants that arm non-profits, governments, and institutions with skills and expertise to better serve their communities.

Current or soon-to-be veterans can learn more about IBM employment opportunities at

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Adam R. Pratt
Ph: 202-551-9625