IBM Wins Prestigious Climate Leadership Award

PR Newswire

ARMONK, N.Y., March 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- IBM (NYSE: IBM) has been awarded a 2017 Climate Leadership Award by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions and The Climate Registry.   

IBM is the first company to win the award in the Organizational Leadership category twice, and the fifth time IBM has won a Climate Leadership Award in the Award's six-year history.

IBM has been one of industry's earliest and most unambiguous leaders on climate change, demonstrated by its business initiatives, voluntary goals, results and disclosures. 

"As IBM stated a decade ago, climate change is one of the most critical global environmental challenges facing the planet, and that is even more true today," said Wayne Balta, Vice President, Corporate Environmental Affairs and Product Safety. "The company will remain committed to environmental sustainability. It's good business and the right thing to do for humanity."

IBM has been taking aggressive actions across its global operations, products, and services, achieving demonstrable results and publicly disclosing them for over a quarter of century.

The company has set three consecutive greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goals and achieved sustained reductions in its GHG emissions since 1990. The company's efforts have also included collaboration with suppliers, numerous government agencies and NGOs. 

IBM continues to apply its innovation, technology, and business acumen -- including cognitive computing and analytics based upon data -- to large scale solutions that help to address climate change for the world at large. 

The company recognizes climate change as a serious concern that warrants meaningful action on a global basis to stabilize the atmospheric concentration of GHGs. It believes that all sectors of society, the economy, and governments worldwide must participate in addressing climate change.

That includes joint, market-driven efforts by the private and public sectors that are economically efficient, environmentally effective and sustainable.

IBM considers energy conservation to be a cornerstone of climate protection. The company will continue to improve the energy efficiency of its operations, products, and services while encouraging its network of global suppliers to do the same.  And consistent with its values, IBM will collaborate with clients to create new innovations and solutions that are protective of the climate.

In 2015, IBM supported the "American Business Act on Climate Pledge," demonstrating its support for action on climate change and the conclusion of a climate change agreement in Paris that takes a strong step forward towards a low carbon, sustainable future.  

For more information on IBM and the environmental, go here.

Laurie Friedman, IBM
914 499 4608

SOURCE IBM Corporation

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