New IBM Security Operations Center in Bangalore Designed to Enhance Client Security

Ninth Global Center Provides Managed Security Services Expertise and Monitoring to Help Anticipate and Mitigate Threats

IBM today announced the official opening of a new global security operations center in Bangalore designed to provide clients from around the world with the highest level of around-the-clock protection and service. Adding to the network of IBM global security operations centers, this state-of-the-art facility is constantly staffed with managed security services professionals and members of the X-Force® security research and development team to provide real-time analysis and early warning notification of security events to the more than 4,000 managed security services clients worldwide.

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The new security operations center represents a multimillion dollar investment by the corporation to continue to expand into significant growth markets including India. IBM operates eight other global security operations centers in Atlanta, Georgia; Detroit, Michigan; Boulder, Colorado; Toronto, Canada; Brussels, Belgium; Tokyo, Japan; Brisbane, Australia; and Hortolandia, Brazil, all servicing clients from points across the globe. IBM Security Services' security operations centers are designed to ensure that mission-critical systems, electrical systems, data processing and communication links are protected from any single point of failure.

This new security operations center will leverage the IBM X-Force® Protection System back end managed security services infrastructure to assist analysts with the aggregation, correlation, analysis and prioritization of security logs and events. With the help of this global infrastructure, IBM analyzes more than 8 billion security events each day from devices located in more than 140 countries. This level of visibility provides IBM with a truly global view of the security landscape and assists IBM security analysts with the ability to identify emerging threats quickly and track trends across geographies, industries and systems.

"As the global threat landscape is constantly changing, clients realize that a new Internet attack can create a life-or-death business situation," said Marisa Viveros, vice president, IBM Security Services. "In addition, ongoing management of security threats from attacks or for compliance can be a costly proposition in today's economy. We have found that IBM can save its clients up to 55 percent of the total cost of ownership in the first year when they choose IBM for Managed Security Services versus managing their security in-house."(1)

Security features in the security operation centers themselves include protection for physical security, such as biometric access devices and visitor identity screening, as well as facilities and infrastructure protection, such as redundant network circuits and fire and power protection. In addition, features include network and computer security, such as intrusion detection/prevention systems and audit trailing, and policies, procedures and programs security including disaster recovery and data backup planning.

The global security operations centers are part of the IBM security strategy to provide solutions to assist organizations in building a strong security posture that helps manage risk across the enterprise, improve service and reduce costs. As clients strive to achieve compliance and other information technology goals without adding resources, the IBM infrastructure, experience and expertise, coupled with the ability to manage multiple products from various security vendors, can help maximize existing security investments.

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(1) Since 2006, IBM has estimated the average cost savings by comparing the costs of a client managing their security in-house versus the costs of teaming with IBM for Managed Security Services (MSS) using the MSS Total Cost of Ownership calculator.

  Darcy Hansen
  IBM Media Relations

  Gouri Soumi
  IBM India Media Relations

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