IBM Rolls Out Innovative Healthcare Management System for Spain's Castilla y Leon Region

Castilla y Leon first community in Spain to use technology platform

IBM and Telvent Global Services today announced they have entered into a multi-million euro agreement with Castilla y Leon Government to improve management of the province's healthcare centers. The transformation of Castilla y Leon's healthcare centers back office will allow for greater communication among primary care centers, specialized care centers, and emergency and central services allowing the healthcare system to run more efficiently, providing improved care for the local community.

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IBM and Telvent Global Services will provide consultancy and information technology (IT) services to help Castilla y Leon transform and improve health center procurement, logistics and supply processes. Central purchasing activity and a unique products catalogue will be enhanced. As the transformation engine, a new technology system will be rolled out to all health centers. The new system will enhance aggregated procurement from the different centers, expanding integration with suppliers.

The system will be integrated with the IT systems of the Regional Health Management organization and the corporate systems of the Castilla y Leon government. The regional government of Castilla y Leon will be the first autonomous community in Spain to use this technology platform -- the latest of its kind geared specifically for the public sector.

The aim of the project is to lower costs for Castilla y Leon by streamlining operating procedures. Communication and information exchange between various centers will be more efficient, and the healthcare system will have greater control over supplies and resources, providing more accurate information to assist decision making. This means that employees will be able to devote more time and attention to tasks of greater added value.

The project demonstrates IBM's position as a benchmark technology firm for the healthcare sector. IBM is currently helping to overhaul other healthcare systems in Catalonia, Murcia, Aragon, Extremadura and Castilla y Leon.

IBM is creating a smarter, more connected healthcare system that delivers better care with fewer mistakes, predicts and prevents diseases, and empowers people to make better choices. This includes integrating data so doctors, patients and insurers can share information seamlessly and efficiently. IBM also helps clients apply advanced analytics to improve medical research, diagnosis and treatment in order to improve patient care and help reduce healthcare costs.

  The contract with Castilla y Leon Government was signed in October 2009.

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  Patricia Nunez                 Tara Sucato
  IBM Media Relations (Spain)    IBM Media Relations (U.S.)
  34 91 3977782                  917-472-3701

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CONTACT: Patricia Nunez, IBM Media Relations (Spain), +34-91-3977782,; or Tara Sucato, IBM Media Relations (U.S.),