5K Registration Opens, CLT on CBS Morning News
Two images - left image of Runway 5k participants; right image of Quentin Hines posing in an industrial size lawn mower

June 20, 2024 - Here’s what’s happening in the neighborhood this month.

Runway 5k Registration Opens

Registration is now open for the Airport’s 17th annual Runway 5K. This popular event gives participants the unique opportunity to run close to planes taking off and landing.

Proceeds fund Airport Opportunity Scholarships at Central Piedmont Community College.

This year’s race will take place at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 19. Sign up before it sells out!

You can find registration information on the CLT Airport website.

CLT Featured on CBS Morning News

CLT and CBS News recently conspired to make a rising 6th grader’s dreams come true.

Quentin Hines, Jr. of Charlotte used to take his toy mower to the old Airport Overlook, watch the planes take off and land and dream about maintaining the fields at such a glorious place.

Now 11 years old, Quentin has a high-tech mower and his own lawn care company. He cuts his elderly neighbors’ grass for free.

We surprised Quentin and made him part of a CLT Field Maintenance crew for a morning. He said it was one of the best days of his young life.

Watch the story on the CBS Morning News website.