Anticoagulation clinics celebrate 20-year anniversary
Dedicated to making health care easier for everyone
It cannot be underestimated the invaluable service this is to the patients and the northern Colorado community.

Contact: Sara Quale
(970) 310-3749

GREELEY, Colo. (Jan. 30, 2018) – Banner Health Anticoagulation Clinics in Greeley and Loveland are celebrating 20 years of simplifying part of the health care experience for patients who are on anticoagulation medication. The official anniversary takes place Feb. 2, 2018.

“It cannot be underestimated the invaluable service this is to the patients and the northern Colorado community,” said Jason Hatch, MD, medical director for the Anticoagulation clinics. “Patients are able to receive cost-effective, life-saving care via a convenient, streamlined office visit, which is coordinated with the patient’s physician. Today this may seem commonplace, but 20 years ago it was revolutionary. The clinical pharmacists and phlebotomists at the anticoagulation clinics have created a wonderful patient experience and they should be congratulated for all their wonderful work. I have no doubt the next 20 years will be just as successful.” 

The Anticoagulation Clinic at Summit View Medical Commons in Greeley was developed by physicians and pharmacists in 1998 for patients taking anticoagulants such as Coumadin (warfarin). The clinic expanded to McKee Medical Center in September 1999 and to the Greeley Cardiovascular Institute in 2008.

 “I’ve been with Banner Health for nearly 39 years and helped start the clinics 20 years ago. It’s been an exciting and rewarding journey to see how the role of pharmacists continues to expand over the years as they play a more direct, hands-on role in patient care and medicine administration,” said Ron Baars, PharmD, Banner Health clinical pharmacist. “I look forward to continuing my role at the clinics and making a difference for our patients.”

Before the clinics opened, patients worked directly with their physician offices to monitor their blood. Now, when a patient visits the clinic, a blood sample is obtained usually by finger stick. This blood is tested to check how well the medication is working.

Results are available before the patient leaves the clinic. Patients meet with specially trained clinical pharmacists to adjust their medication dose if needed and are given written instructions. Their individual physicians are updated after each visit.

The team at the Anticoagulation Clinic consists of 11 highly trained clinical pharmacists and five phlebotomists, with a combined 103 years of experience. That team provides more than 1,800 patients every month with cost-effective, convenient and coordinated care and education.

An additional service offered is the development of written bridging calendars for providers and patients when patients need to stop their warfarin for a procedure. The pharmacist teaches the patient/family and provides coordination between the primary care physician, cardiology and procedural physicians.

The Summit View Anticoagulation Clinic is in the Summit View Medical Commons at 2001 70th Ave., in Greeley. The McKee Anticoagulation Clinic is at Loveland Medical Plaza, 1907 N. Boise Ave., Suite 3, in Loveland. Both clinics are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, patients can ask providers about a referral to either clinic, or have their office call (970) 810-6437 in Greeley or (970) 820-1970 in Loveland.