Arizona poison centers warn of an increase in poisoning cases during COVID-19 pandemic
With more people in the house, more accidents are likely to happen
We’ve seen a 50% increase in accidental exposures to cleaning products in the last month.

PHOENIX (April 17, 2020) – Poison Centers across the nation are seeing an increase in exposures to household cleaning products, chemicals, and medications. As more people are working remotely and children schooling at home, there is an increased potential for poisoning accidents. People are distracted and in unfamiliar routines.  

“Be alert about the location of all medications, chemicals, and cleaning products in the home,” said Maureen Roland, managing director of the Banner Poison and Drug Information Center. “We’ve seen a 50% increase in accidental exposures to cleaning products in the last month.”

“Increased use of cleaners and children being home more often has led to a perfect storm for these situations to happen,” said Steve Dudley, managing director of the Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center. “The majority of these exposures have been in kids, but adults have fallen victim too. Fortunately, most tend to do just fine after our recommendations,” he added.

Additionally, the poison centers would like to warn against using any unproven or novel treatments for COVID-19. There are currently no proven medications or vaccines to treat COVID-19. Do not use any medication without a physician’s prescription and instruction.

Also, we’re starting to experience warmer temperatures in Arizona, which means our call centers are handling an increase in calls regarding scorpion stings and rattlesnake bites. Always be aware of your surroundings and don’t ever try to remove a rattlesnake yourself. 

If you or a loved one believe there has been exposure to any poison, medication or chemical please call the poison center immediately at 1-800-222-1222. The poison centers can assist in the evaluation and management and help determine if it is necessary to seek additional medical attention. 

Call 1-800-222-1222 24/7/365 with questions regarding this or any other poison, drug, or chemical exposure.

About the Poison and Drug Information Centers

The Poison and Drug Information Centers at the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy in Tucson, and at Banner – University Medical Center Phoenix, provide free and confidential poison and drug information to the public and health care professionals. The hotlines operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The two centers serve all of Arizona and are part of 55 centers across the nation that are accredited by American Association of Poison Control Centers. Call 1-800-222-1222 from any location to reach the poison center nearest you.

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