Aspen Dental’s Belangie Perez-Torres Provides Dental Care to Children in the Philippines
Belangie Perez-Torres, Director of Hygiene Strategy and Operations, in the Philippines

Belangie Perez-Torres, Director of Hygiene Strategy and Operations, spent her Spring Break in the Philippines–but she wasn’t just relaxing on the beach. Bela was selected to join a team of eleven other dental professionals for a mission trip arranged by Andrew Johnston, a dental hygienist and the host of the podcast “A Tale of Two Hygienists. 


The group, which included three dentists, seven hygienists, and three support technicians, provided care to nearly 130 children in two underserved communities, Patoyo and Linapacan. The children ranged from toddlers to teenagers, and many had never received a dental screening. 


Bela and the team treated cavities with Silver Diamide Fluoride, provided Glass Ionomer restorative and sealant materials, applied fluoride varnish, and offered oral hygiene education. 


“It was an honor to work alongside Pamela Maragliano, DMD, as we helped a teenage girl who was embarrassed by her smile. Witnessing her transformation was profoundly impactful, leaving a lasting impression on us all.” says Bela. 


Working on remote islands and in extreme heat, the team had to adapt in real-time to challenges such as language barriers, temperature-sensitive dental materials, and unconventional working stations. “On Day 2, we visited a local school and provided care to over 100 children despite sweltering 100℉ temperatures. The heat and humidity were intense, but our dedication remained unwavering. With limited resources, we managed to make smiles better!” Bela reflects. 


The trip was humbling, empowering, and necessary for Bela, who says her desire for an opportunity to give back outside of her familiar community had been kindling for months. She highly recommends that all dental professionals seek out opportunities to give back, whether that be in your local community or overseas. Ultimately, service trips like this one help expand empathy, encourage cultural understanding, and foster personal growth. 


Bela is grateful to the trip’s organizers and sponsors for giving her the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of so many patients, which in turn has helped her build an even more rewarding career.