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  • May 3, 2017
    New Upton amendment to health bill does little to reduce massive premium increases for people with preexisting health conditions

    WASHINGTON, DC — AARP Chief Advocacy & Engagement Officer Nancy A. LeaMond sent the following letter today to all members of the U.S. House of Representatives in response to the Upton Amendment...

  • May 2, 2017
    AARP and Skyhorse Publishing release essential consumer guide to hidden risks of mixing food, supplements, and medicine.

    Washington, DC — Millions of Americans age 50-plus take prescription drugs, yet few know the health risks of taking them along with certain foods and over-the-counter (OTC) supplements. For...

  • May 1, 2017
    Opposes Legislation that Would Harm Opportunities for Small Businesses

    Washington, DC — Today AARP reinforced its opposition to House Joint Resolution (H.J. Res.) 66, which could have a chilling effect on state and local retirement savings initiatives. In a letter...

  • Apr 27, 2017
    Plus, The Grandparent Boom, Don't Eat This if You're Taking That; Behavioral Economics: How We are Nudged into Doing the Right Thing; When to Get Disability Insurance; Why It's Important to Have a Will; and More

    WASHINGTON, DC — President Trump said recently that drug companies are "getting away with murder." But the truth is the high prices drug companies charge for prescription medicine in America are...

  • Apr 26, 2017
    Age Tax, Weakening Medicare, Backdoor Cuts to Preexisting Condition Population Would Harm American Families

    WASHINGTON, DC — AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond released the following statement today in response to the amended House bill that would create an "Age Tax," increase premiums,...