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  • Sep 12, 2018

    The Alzheimer’s Association and AARP announced today they are joining forces to extend the reach of the Community Resource Finder, an online database connecting families with local resources to help address concerns and navigate the challenges of Alzheimer’s, dementia and aging.

  • Sep 5, 2018
    People are living longer lives than ever before. AARP’s Navigating Your Later Years For Dummies offers expert advice on long-term care and how to best prepare for future needs so you can meet your personal goals, live independently, and maintain strong personal ties. With special sections for people who are LGBT, veterans, and caregivers.

    HOBOKEN, NJ—People are living decades more than previous generations. With these exciting bonus years come many questions and concerns about future planning and long-term care. AARP’s Navigating Your Later Years For Dummies helps readers and their families navigate this unfamiliar and evolving terrain.

  • Sep 5, 2018
    Convicted scammers reveal how your private info gets bought and sold by criminals at hidden websites

    WASHINGTON, DC—Information stolen in computer breaches of well-known companies is flooding into an underground digital market called the Dark Web, where criminals buy and sell Social Security numbers, credit card information and computer passwords to be used for fraud, an investigation in the September issue of AARP Bulletin reveals. Using software originally developed by the U.S. Navy and available for free to anyone who wishes to download it, criminals buy and sell private data with complete anonymity, then use it to commit identity fraud. Approximately 6.6 percent of U.S. adults were victimized last year, the report shows, and allegedly, more than half of Americans’ Social Security numbers are for sale for as low as a few dollars each. The article also details how identity fraud typically occurs, and the many proven, powerful ways consumers can protect themselves.

  • Sep 5, 2018
    In an era of continuous data breaches, AARP campaign seeks to empower public with simple tips to protect sensitive personal information

    WASHINGTON, DC—As data breach incidents proliferate, a new AARP survey finds that an alarming number of people have failed to take the basic precautions against identity fraud. In response, the AARP Fraud Watch Network today launched a campaign to raise awareness of identity theft risks and educate consumers on how to enhance the safety of their personal information.

  • Sep 5, 2018

    WASHINGTON, DC—More adults age 50 and older are sharing their homes with others as they age, up from 2 percent in 2014 to 16 percent in 2018 according to AARP’s 2018 Home and Community Preferences survey. The majority of those who prefer to live alone as they age say they would consider sharing their home if they needed help with everyday activities, companionship or extra income. Older adults also showed strong interest in other living and housing options including joining a “village,” or living in or building an accessory dwelling unit.