AARP Eye Center
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Older Americans are not only the happiest adult Americans as a whole, but also consider themselves healthier and more financially secure than those in their 40s and 50s, reveals a new study published in AARP Bulletin.
AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins issued the following statement in response to the Medicare and Social Security Trustees’ reports released today
While three-quarters or more of those 60 and over have at least one serious health condition, nearly half rate their health as very good or excellent, according to new research from AARP in collaboration with National Geographic Partners.
AARP The Magazine is taking a moment to celebrate all that unites us this Independence Day.
AARP hosted a “People’s Hearing” on prescription drugs May 18, featuring seniors from across the United States who struggle to afford their medications along with other basic needs. In addition to sharing how the cost of prescription drugs affects them, participants urged Congress to act now and pass needed reforms.