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  • Mar 13, 2017
    Older Americans “disproportionately” impacted according to nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office Analysis

    WASHINGTON, DC — AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond released a statement today following the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) release of new numbers that predict 24 million...

  • Mar 7, 2017
    Legislation would weaken Medicare, hike insurance premiums on those who can least afford it, and give tax breaks to big drug companies.

    Washington, DC — In a statement today AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond announced AARP’s opposition to the House plan that would make harmful changes to our current health care...

  • Jan 30, 2017

    AARP today launched a comprehensive campaign to protect Medicare in the face of proposals by some in Congress that would hurt hardworking Americans who have paid in to the program, their entire...

  • Jan 17, 2017
    Includes Protection of Social Security, Medicare Benefits, Access to Affordable Health Care, Prescription Costs

    In a letter to President-elect Donald J. Trump, AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins outlines AARP's priorities for Americans age 50 and older including protecting Medicare and Social Security, ensuring access...

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