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  • Jun 5, 2017
    In this issue of AARP The Magazine: Steve Martin shares his journey back to stand-up comedy, Americans find out what they should expect at their half-century mark, the power of cross-generational friendships and timeshare scams that are trapping older adults.

    WASHINGTON, DC—What should you expect in your 50s? With retirement years around the corner, splurging on homes, vacations and cars could be a major mistake – but it’s what we most love to do! Welcome to your most critical decade of making smart decisions on finances, health and self. The June/July issue of AARP The Magazine (ATM), includes a special report on what Americans should expect at their half-century mark, highlighting the challenges and opportunities related to wealth, health and happiness.

  • Jun 1, 2017
    Plus, 12 Best Tricks of Super Savers; Scam Alert: An Owner’s Manual for Finding an Honest Mechanic; Five Surprising Reasons You’re Up at 4 a.m.; An Interview with Celebrated Comedian Carl Reiner; and More

    WASHINGTON, DC—We are in the midst of our nation’s deadliest drug epidemic ever and it is hitting older Americans particularly hard, reports AARP. In this multi-story special report titled “The Opioid Menace,” AARP Bulletin reveals that almost one-third of all Medicare patients — nearly 12 million people — were prescribed opioid painkillers in 2015, drugs that can become addictive in as few as five days.

  • Jun 1, 2017

    WASHINGTON, DC—America’s beloved comedic legend is BACK! Steve Martin is looking great and making people laugh more than ever as he makes his triumphant return to the comedy stage.

  • Apr 27, 2017
    Plus, The Grandparent Boom, Don't Eat This if You're Taking That; Behavioral Economics: How We are Nudged into Doing the Right Thing; When to Get Disability Insurance; Why It's Important to Have a Will; and More

    WASHINGTON, DC — President Trump said recently that drug companies are "getting away with murder." But the truth is the high prices drug companies charge for prescription medicine in America are...

  • Apr 4, 2017
    Celebrity Cover Interview: Michael J. Fox Has a Secret: After 26 years with Parkinson's, he's working, laughing and defying the odds

    In the April/May 2017 issue of AARP The Magazine (ATM), readers will enjoy an inspirational spring health special, and leading the charge is Michael J. Fox, one of the most recognizable and...

  • Mar 28, 2017
    Plus, Money Traps to Avoid in Retirement; Why it's Important to Time Your Meals; The Great Prostate Cancer Screening Debate, and More

    One in 10 Americans will fall victim to phone scams this year, and millions more will be ripped off online or in-person. In this month's issue, AARP Bulletin offers a complete guide on how to beat...

  • Mar 1, 2017
    Plus, The Cost Of Keeping Your Pet Healthy; Rising Interest Rates; Scam Speak: The Terms Con Artists Use Today; Tips For a Less Taxing Retirement; Ten Ways to Sneak Fitness Into Your Day and More in the Current Issue

    From pills that harm and cancer beaters to where you should consider living and why the ripeness of your fruit matters, AARP Bulletin releases a fascinating health package that reveals brand new...

  • Feb 13, 2017
    Cover Interview: Morgan Freeman gives an exclusive tour of his life in photos; discusses career, family and being the most recognizable voice in Hollywood

    In the February/March issue of AARP The Magazine (ATM), readers will enjoy an exclusive interview with the most recognizable voice in Hollywood, Morgan Freeman. At age 79, Freeman continues to...

  • Feb 1, 2017
    In an intimate conversation with AARP The Magazine, Morgan Freeman discusses career, family and being the most recognizable voice in Hollywood

    At age 79, Morgan Freeman continues to draw the attention of audiences around the world with his radiant voice, gifted performances and unparalleled talent. In an exclusive interview with AARP The...

  • Jan 4, 2017
    Loving Selected Best Picture of 2016; Denzel Washington and Annette Bening Score Top Acting Honors

    AARP The Magazine today announced the winners of the 16th Annual Movies for Grownups® Awards. In doing so, the editors continue their integral role in awards season by honoring the best films...

  • Jan 3, 2017
    New AARP Bulletin issue kicks off 2017 with 10 jobs retirees should consider to make some extra cash; Phone Fraud Alert! Grandparent Scam on The Rise; Strategies to get your Doctor to Listen; and AARP's exclusive collaboration with Project Runway

    AARP takes a stand on attempts to cut, scale back, or diminish Medicare benefits. Currently, 57 million Americans rely on these benefits for their healthcare. The cover story, "Why Medicare...

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