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  • Aug 3, 2017
    First priority should be to help stabilize health insurance market

    WASHINGTON, DC—One week after the Senate attempted to pass a bad health care bill, AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins sent a letter to all 100 U.S. Senators and 435 U.S. Representatives urging them to collaborate on bipartisan solutions to increase coverage, lower costs, stabilize markets, and improve care and released the following statement:

  • Jul 28, 2017

    WASHINGTON, DC—Reacting to today’s defeat of the Senate’s ‘skinny’ repeal bill, AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond released the following statement:

  • Jul 27, 2017
    Latest health care bill no better than other bills

    WASHINGTON, DC—As the Senate plans to vote on the so-called “skinny” health care repeal bill, AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond sent a letter to all 100 U.S. Senators opposing the bill and released the following statement:

  • Jul 25, 2017

    WASHINGTON, DC—In response to today’s Senate vote on the motion to proceed to consider a health care bill that would cut Medicare and Medicaid and impose an Age Tax on older Americans, AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond released the following statement:

  • Jul 25, 2017
    Research shows certain activities can benefit brain health, but brain games not one of them

    WASHINGTON, DC—The evidence for the long-term brain health benefits of what most people consider “brain games” is weak to non-existent, according to a new consensus statement issued today by the Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH). The good news is that there are many mentally-engaging activities that can help your brain stay sharp over your lifespan.