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May 31, 2023
Special Reports from the June AARP Bulletin: How Much Should You Save for Retirement, Professional Stuntmen Offer Tips on Falling Safely, Fraud-Proofing Your Wallet, and Staying Safe This Summer
June 2023 issue of AARP Bulletin
June 2023 issue of AARP Bulletin

WASHINGTON—The June issue of AARP Bulletin offers readers critical stories and news updates – from an illustrated guide from the stuntmen on the new Indiana Jones movie on avoiding injury when falling to calculating how much money you’ll need for retirement. The following are highlights from this month’s Bulletin:

Cover Story: How to Stay Safe This Summer

Splashing in the waves! Hitting the road! Going to shows! These are some of the joys of summer, and if ever there was a time when we could all use more joy, it’s this summer. But these are also risky times, be it while traveling, moving around town, coping with extreme weather, dealing with strangers, or simply avoiding such nuisances as bees, ticks or bad drivers. AARP identified over 20 of the most common risks of summer 2023 and gives sharp, specific tips for staying safe and protected from each.

Your Money: How Big a Retirement Stash Do You Need?

No one should rush through retirement planning, but sometimes it helps to have rough estimates on whether you are saving enough. To help, here are three “back of envelope” ways that financial advisors use to get an instant snapshot of whether your retirement savings are in the ballpark, given your current age and work situation.  

Fraud Watch: Wallet Audit

A heavy wallet doesn’t just hurt your posture; it can also put you at financial risk. If stolen, an overstuffed wallet can provide crooks with all the information and tools they need to quickly loot your financial accounts and misuse your identity. This month’s Fraud Watch breaks down what you do and don’t need in your wallet.

Your Health: How the Pros Fall Safely

Relaxing your body or bending your knees into a fall may seem counterintuitive, but it could save you from a broken wrist or hip! Just ask Stuart F. Wilson and Thomas DuPont–Harrison Ford’s stuntmen from the most recent Indiana Jones film. In this issue, learn tricks from two Hollywood pros to avoid injury when falling.

Your Life: Become a Foster Parent… to a Pet

Overcrowding at animal shelters has helped spark a surprising upbeat trend: pet fostering. Empty nesters, retirees, and older adults are the ideal volunteers to give dogs and cats the care and attention they need until a permanent home can be found for them. And fostering gives people the chance to enjoy animals on their own schedule, without making a long-term commitment.  Read this month’s Your Life section to learn why fostering a pet could be a good next step for you.



About AARP
AARP is the nation's largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering people 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. With a nationwide presence, AARP strengthens communities and advocates for what matters most to the more than 100 million Americans 50-plus and their families: health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. AARP also produces the nation's largest circulation publications: AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. To learn more, visitñol or follow @AARP@AARPenEspañol and @AARPadvocates on social media.

For further information: Danny Alarcon, AARP,, 202-538-0105