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Mar 30, 2023
AARP Bulletin Releases 2023 Fraud Survival Guide
PLUS: The Problem with Extended Warranty Offers
April 2023 issue of AARP Bulletin
April 2023 issue of AARP Bulletin

WASHINGTON—Rarely a day goes by in America in which each of us doesn’t receive at least one illegal email, phone call or text from a scammer. And they are perpetually clever: like any smart business, scammers quickly adapt to the news and moods of the moment, always thinking of new ways to steal your money. And they’re succeeding: Americans’ annual losses to scams now tally in the billions. In response, AARP has created a 2023 fraud survival guide to help answer all your questions – and show you who your allies are in this battle.

In the survival guide, AARP Bulletin details the scams of 2023 you might encounter right now, such as:

  • How scammers are defeating the two-factor authentication features of banking apps.
  • Criminals impersonating government employees to steal your personal information.
  • Online shopping scams, where a purchased low-priced good turns out to be a fake – and the scammer gets your credit card number.
  • And many more. PLUS: How to help protect yourself against each of these new scams.

Also in the April issue of AARP Bulletin:

Your Money

  • Is it Worth It to Upgrade Your Home Energy? How we heat, cool and electrify our homes is undergoing massive change in America, thanks to innovations like solar panels, heat pumps, tankless water heaters and geothermal systems.  While the equipment can be pricey, these upgrades can save you thousands in long-term energy costs. How can you tell if it’s worth it? This month’s Your Money dives into these increasingly popular choices and details new tax breaks and rebates that could lower that cost of big-ticket home improvements.
  • The Problem with Extended Warranties: Extended warranties are being offered on ever more products these days.  Is the protection worth the price? This month’s Bulletin explains extended warranties and red flags to look out for.

Your Life

  • Keep Your Old Computer Running: Your three- or four-year-old computer is starting to slow, maybe even crash more often. Should you try to fix it or just buy a new one? The article gives honest guidance as to how long a computer should last, how to prevent problems, extend its life, diagnose troubles, speed it up, and figure out when not to bother spending big dollars to repair.

Your Health

  • Where Are My Keys? A Health Quiz: Memory glitches like misplacing your keys can make you question if something is wrong. To know whether your forgetfulness is a natural consequence of our stress-filled lives, a symptom of a physical or emotional health issue, or a potential sign of cognitive decline you would have to get checked out by your doc, but this quiz may provide you with clues. 
  • Can we end prostate cancer? Since the mid-1990s, philanthropist Michael Milken has spent most of his time, efforts and money supporting cancer research. In a wide-ranging interview, he shares what progress he’s seen, where research dollars need to go, and what it takes for medical research to move faster.




About AARP

AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering people 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. With a nationwide presence and nearly 38 million members, AARP strengthens communities and advocates for what matters most to families: health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. AARP also produces the nation's largest circulation publications: AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. To learn more, visit, or follow @AARP, @AARPenEspanol and @AARPadvocates, @AliadosAdelante on social media.

For further information: Danny Alarcon, AARP,, 202-538-0105