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Aug 30, 2022
AARP Bulletin: At Long Last, Sweeping Drug Price Relief for Older Americans
AARP Has Led The Charge to Lower Prescription Prices
September 2022 issue of the Bulletin.
September 2022 issue of the Bulletin.

WASHINGTONFor more than 60 years, AARP has been fighting to help make prescription drugs more affordable for older Americans. With the signing of the Inflation Reduction Act, a historic new law will finally bring significant relief from high drug prices. This month, the AARP Bulletin cover story guides readers through how the legislation will help older Americans.

“This is a commonsense approach that people across the political spectrum support,” notes AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins in the piece. “In fact, the only opposition for all these years has been from big drug companies. What’s more, the law will provide older Americans with peace of mind, knowing that the drugs they need to stay healthy – and, often, to stay alive – won’t impoverish them.”

The cover story goes into detail about everything readers need to know regarding the new law:

  • When seniors can expect the new pricing law to take effect;
  • What exactly it means for Medicare to be able to negotiate drug prices;
  • A comparison of the skyrocketing prices of prescription drugs to everyday goods;
  • How AARP has led the charge in lowering prescription prices;
  • And much more.

PLUS: The Teen Mental Health Crisis and How Parents and Grandparents Can Help: Professionals are sounding the alarm about teen mental health. Rates of loneliness, depression and attempted suicide among teenagers are higher than ever before in modern American history. To help parents and grandparents support their young loved ones, AARP Bulletin offers the insights of dozens of health professionals, counselors, educators and doctors that will offer much-needed tips – and hope.

Read about how social media, which can be mental health lifelines for isolated teens, can also facilitate bullying and harassment; mental health support systems like counseling are nowhere near the levels they need to be to tackle this crisis; school shootings and similar events are leaving children with fewer places where they can feel safe; and more.

Also, receive important tips from the professionals in the field about the ways you can have an honest discussion with your teenager about phone use, social media, and mutual trust. This month, discover the actions you can take to help them feel safe and supported.

Also in this month’s issue:

Your Money  

  • Where Products Are Free: Diverse online exchanges are emerging across America where people give away or receive quality secondhand (and in some cases, new) clothes, appliances, household gear and more. Online sites like Craigslist, Freecycle, and OfferUp are proving crucial to many who have become financially pinched by inflation. Find out how these sites operate, what you might find there, and how to make sure you are dealing with a legitimate offer and staying safe and secure.
  • Four Late-Life Money Options: We all know that healthcare and living costs often surge in the final few years of life. But how do you prepare for that time so you can afford good care and not be a burden on others? Money pros detail the range of financial products and approaches, and detail the benefits and drawbacks of each, from annuities to long-term care insurance to reverse mortgages to life-insurance drawdowns.

Your Health 

  • Jaw-Dropping Breakthroughs: Here’s a shocking fact: According to the CDC, one quarter of adults 65 or older have eight or fewer teeth. And most of us will have lost at least a few as we approach Medicare age. But thanks to modern advances in dentistry, many tooth replacement options are now available that are huge step forward from the partials and dentures of the past. Read this month’s issue of “Your Health” to learn about the newest forms of tooth implants and what to do if you cannot afford a dentist. 

Your Life

  • Q&A with Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Neil DeGrasse Tyson lets readers in on his journey as an astrophysicist as he approaches his 65th year around the sun. Tyson, author of the new book Starry Messenger, shares why a sense of wonder about the universe is so important, particularly in challenging times like now. What does he think about wealthy private individuals getting into space technology? Why doesn’t he think humans will step on the face of Mars in the next 20 years? And what does Carl Sagan’s legacy mean to him? Learn all this and more in this month’s Q&A 


About AARP
AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering people 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. With a nationwide presence and nearly 38 million members, AARP strengthens communities and advocates for what matters most to families: health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. AARP also produces the nation's largest circulation publications: AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. To learn more, visit, or follow @AARP, @AARPenEspanol and @AARPadvocates, @AliadosAdelante on social media.

For further information: Danny Alarcon, AARP,, 202-538-0105