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Dec 1, 2021
Mad Money Host and Stock Guru Jim Cramer Offers AARP Bulletin Readers Shocking Advice: Consider Reducing Your Investments!
In an Exclusive Interview in the December Issue, Cramer Reveals Why He Sold a Large Chunk of His Personal Portfolio, and Why You Might Consider It as Well

WASHINGTONIn a candid, wide-ranging interview, Mad Money host Jim Cramer disclosed to AARP Money Editor George Mannes that at age 65, he reluctantly reduced the ratio of his retirement savings in stocks to 50 percent– in large part due to pressure from his wife to reduce their financial risk.

“I believe everybody has to sit down with their partner, and both people have to be comfortable,” Cramer said in describing the decision. “I could have easily said to Lisa, ‘I have a TV show, I worked at Goldman Sachs, I was a hedge fund manager. This is what we’re going to do.’ And I’ve come around to thinking that that’s wrong, that money’s a partnership, and that the partnership has to be over the dinner table, and everybody has to be happy.”

In the interview, Cramer also discusses why he is optimistic about the U.S. economy, who his long-running TV show is and isn’t for, why many people SHOULDN’T try to pick individual stocks to purchase, and his thinking for how older Americans can improve their financial security without taking undue risks.

Cramer’s interview is part of a special Bulletin cover section on ways you could protect your money in the coming year.  Also discover 10  things to do right now to get your finances in top shape for the new year; 10 money mistakes many smart people make, and how to avoid them; and 8 essential tools and services to help you get the best possible handle on your money situation.

Also in the December issue:

Fraud Watch

  • Holiday shopping scams are back: Last year, the losses from holiday shopping scams topped $250 million. They’ve made their return this year: The AARP Fraud Watch Network has been swamped with calls about online rip-offs. In this month’s issue, take a look at some of the tricks and tactics that scammers use so you can protect yourself this year.

Your Health

  • A post-pandemic guide to better sleep: COVID-19, the challenging economy, and two years of drastically changed daily schedules have wreaked havoc on America’s sleep. Doctors and health experts reveal new thinking and fresh techniques on how to achieve a full, healthy night of sleep, no matter what your age or situation.

Your Life

  • Stories from pearl harbor survivors: Fewer than two percent of Americans who served in World War II are still alive. For those who are, Pearl Harbor signifies the day when their lives changed forever. On the 80th anniversary of that day, AARP tracked down survivors and others whose lives were immediately affected by the attack and asked for their stories and lessons. Hear the tales of a survivor of the sinking USS Arizona, a Navajo code talker, and a woman who broke German code.

Your Technology

  • 15 surprising uses for your smartphone:  Remember Swiss Army knives, and all their amazing uses they have? Well, consider smartphones their successor: in this special guide, you’ll learn how to use any smart phone to measure distances, become a magnifying glass, find the nearest bathroom, send out an emergency beacon, record conversations, and much more. PLUS: a special report on how to organize and manage the apps on your phone (Americans now average more than 80 per person!).


About AARP
AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering people 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. With a nationwide presence and nearly 38 million members, AARP strengthens communities and advocates for what matters most to families: health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. AARP also produces the nation's largest circulation publications: AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. To learn more, visit, or follow @AARP, @AARPenEspanol and @AARPadvocates, @AliadosAdelante on social media.


For further information: Danny Alarcon,, 202-538-0105