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May 27, 2020
AARP Bulletin: How Life Will Change After the Pandemic

WASHINGTON – Just a few months of life within the coronavirus pandemic has caused almost every business leader, researcher and planner to thoroughly rethink the future of America and how it will work for older Americans. Will we ever want to browse leisurely in stores again? Live in a small apartment in a downtown metropolis? Go to a ball game with 50,000 other people or a crowded restaurant? Take frequent vacations? Use public transportation? See a doctor for a routine visit?

There are no certain answers yet, but in the second special pandemic issue of AARP Bulletin, leading experts predict how they see life changing for older adults in the next few years, and possibly forever. 

The cover story reveals insightful predictions for the future of the job market, retail industry, real estate, movie theaters and more, and how older Americans will be affected. One epidemiologist predicts the handshake will be retired, possibly for good. Another researcher predicts that retirees who planned to downsize in cities will now choose less populated areas to age-in-place, and one doctor says that hyper attention to cleaning will be the new norm in airplanes, office buildings and wherever people gather.

Other stories in the June issue include:

In the News

  • A Q&A with U.S. Coronavirus Response Coordinator Deborah Birx, M.D.: Dr. Birx leads federal response to the virus. In this month’s Q&A, she shares what the White Hours Coronavirus Task Force has discovered so far. Learn more about the potential for a universal vaccine, the unlikelihood of getting infected multiple times and the best ways to protect ourselves once states reopen in this Special Report Q&A.  

Your Health

  • What’s Next for Nursing Homes: Nursing homes have become one of the most dangerous places to be during the pandemic, with a shocking 27% of coronavirus deaths coming from nursing home workers or residents. In this month’s issue, more than a dozen experts provide their views on what the crisis has exposed about the industry and what changes need to be made, from long-term care costs to safety standards. Read more in the June issue of The Bulletin.

  • The Future of Healthcare: Telemedicine has been teased as the future of medicine for the past several years, but the pandemic radically launched it into our daily lives, thrusting the future upon us today. Beyond the health crisis, virtual doctor visits are likely the way of the future, limiting the need for hospitalizations and trips to the ER. This month’s issue reveals the advantages of telemedicine and what needs to happen to make it a permanent part of the health care industry. PLUS: AARP’s total how-to guide for a virtual doctor’s visit. 

Your Money

  • A Work-From-Home Future: As the pandemic settled in, telecommuting became the norm in the blink of an eye. It worked well for most enterprises, which immediately raised the question among countless productive employees: Why go back to the office?  In this month’s issue, The Bulletin outlines five reasons telecommuting will aid older workers even beyond the pandemic. And for those who aren’t yet working from home, read our six tips to help persuade your supervisor that telecommuting is the right call.

Your Life

  • The Return of Travel: Stay at home orders forced many older adults to cancel their vacation plans. After two months of lockdown, Americans 50 and older are eager to begin traveling again, but what will travel look like in the months and years ahead? Experts predict more day trips, enhanced cleaning procedures on airplanes, extreme discounts, a greater focus on nature excursions and more in this month’s issue.

More information can be found at:


About AARP

AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering people 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. With a nationwide presence and nearly 38 million members, AARP strengthens communities and advocates for what matters most to families: health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. AARP also produces the nation's largest circulation publications: AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. To learn more, visit or follow @AARP and @AARPadvocates on social media.

Media ContactPaola Torres, AARP, 202-434-2555,