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Sep 4, 2019
September AARP Bulletin: Marijuana and Your Health
AARP Bulletin Provides A Comprehensive Report On What Older Americans Should Know About Using Marijuana To Treat Medical Conditions

WASHINGTONA patchwork of state and federal laws and an unprecedented marking blitz have left many older Americans with questions about medical marijuana and cannabidiol (CBD). In an AARP Bulletin special report, experts explain where marijuana is legal, if it is safe to use and the many forms in which it is sold. The feature also includes a comprehensive review of which health conditions cannabis has proven to provide relief or lacks scientific support. Plus, a report on the effectiveness of CBD oils, which have taken the wellness market by storm in the past year. Discover the surprising truths, myths and realities of medical marijuana in the September issue of AARP Bulletin.

Additionally, AARP investigates issues surrounding the 2020 census, the first in U.S. history that will be primarily digital. Given how many government programs will be funded based on the 2020 census maps, it is crucially important that older Americans know their options, participate online or via paper form in the mail and get counted. Find out why the 2020 census matters to you and your community.

Other stories in the September issue:

Fraud Watch

  • Easy Ways to Keep Mom and Dad Safe: With scammers trying their hardest to con your parents out of their hard-earned savings, you may feel prompted to step in. When it comes to protecting their private information, however, it can be tricky. Legally, a child has no more access or rights to their parent’s information or accounts than a stranger, and without their consent cannot advocate effectively on their behalf. There’s still a lot that can be done, however. Read this month’s Fraud Watch to learn how to help safeguard your parents’ identities and assets.

Your Money

  • Seventeen Legal Terms That Spell Trouble: Contracts and service agreements that sound like they are too good to be true are often just that. Contracts are full of fine print and legal loopholes that can cost consumers big bucks—or have other unwanted implications. Read our list of 17 words and phrases that serve as a red flag to potential rip-offs.
  • The Pros and Cons of Living Trusts: Though living trusts provide a lot of benefits—they can save money by avoiding certain fees and processes—it turns out they aren’t appropriate for everyone. For some, just having a will is enough. Would you and your heirs be better off if you created a living trust? Financial expert Jane Bryant Quinn breaks down how to choose the best options for your family in this month’s “Financially Speaking.”

Your Health

  • A Grown-Up Guide to Vaccinations: As some Americans refuse to have their children vaccinated against deadly diseases, it is vital that the public fully understand the benefits of vaccines. Though older Americans are shown to be among the most responsible when it comes to keeping up-to-date with shots, it remains critical that everyone step up their vaccination efforts. We explain when and how often you need shots for flu, shingles, pneumonia and more.

Your Life

  • A Q&A with Madeleine Albright: At 82, the former Secretary of State refuses to slow down. She writes bestselling books, speaks at events around the country and teaches diplomacy at Georgetown University. With the election cycle in full swing, Albright observes the stigma often thrown on older presidential candidates, advising that voters should instead pay attention to the candidates’ merit. She says, “I think a lot depends on their ideas and their stamina, not so much on their age. I think that what we should be looking for in our candidates is what they’re proposing, how they see some new approaches to a genuinely complicated system.” And she also notes that it is important for each candidate to connect with younger voters if they want to succeed. “I think it’s important for them to understand where the younger generation is coming from.” In fact, Albright says that younger people help her remain optimistic about America.

    Read about her thoughts on the present political landscape, her reflections about the beginnings of her career in politics and even her brief stint as a television actress in our Q&A with former Secretary Madeleine Albright.

More information can be found at:


About AARP
AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering people 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. With a nationwide presence and nearly 38 million members, AARP strengthens communities and advocates for what matters most to families: health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. AARP also produces the nation's largest circulation publications: AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. To learn more, visit or follow @AARP and @AARPadvocates on social media.

For further information: AARP Media Relations, 202-434-2560,, @AARPMedia