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Jun 7, 2018
June AARP Bulletin Special Feature
What’s Next: How Your Life May Get Better in the Coming Years

WASHINGTON, DC—Who’d have thought a decade ago that TV shows would stream on your mobile phone, or that your car would park itself? But today’s innovations are nothing compared to what’s coming up next. Get ready for homes that constantly monitor your health; clothing that heals; stores that collect payment with an eye scan; intelligent, constantly adjusting beds; and body implants crafted from your own DNA on 3D printers!  

The June issue of AARP Bulletin — featuring interviews with nearly 100 experts and innovators working to make the world a better place — unveils what our lives might be like 10 years from now and the predictions are dazzling. Explore how homes, cars, technology and communities will be more intelligent and accommodating, making life easier and better for people over 50.     

Other stories in the June issue:

Election 2018

  • Social Security: What The Next Congress Might Do: How will the midterm elections affect Social Security? Current efforts in Congress and the effects of the new tax law reveal both the issues and remedies that the legislators we elect in November will be confronting in 2019. We reveal the Social Security questions and issues that voters and elected officials will encounter come 2019. The June Bulletin also includes 5 key questions you should ask each Congressional candidate on social security. 


  • Know Your Social Security Survivors Benefit Options: More than 11,000 widows and widowers who are now on Social Security could have had higher benefits if someone had bothered to tell them about their claiming options. What does the benefit pay? What if you’ve been married twice? Read more tips and choices on survivor benefits from AARP’s financial expert, Jane Bryant Quinn.
  • How house-smart are you? Before you pick your next home, test your real estate savvy with this short quiz. Whether you’re debating to rent or buy, looking for your family vacation home or researching different mortgages, find unexpected tips for picking your next home.


  • Aging In Japan: A Society Adapts To A Future We Face: With a higher percentage of senior citizens than any other country — and among the world’s highest life expectancy rates — Japan is taking steps to adapt to the needs of older citizens. From providing readily available reading glasses in public spaces to giving pedestrians options to request extra time at major crosswalks. While Japanese culture adjusts, its government is struggling to do the same. Recent efforts have infuriated citizens by cutting benefits and sharply increasing health insurance for older populations. As world’s oldest population ages gracefully, it is also dealing with difficult financial issues.

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About AARP Bulletin
The definitive news source for AARP’s members, AARP Bulletin ( reaches more than 23.5 million households each month in print, with additional news and in-depth coverage online. Covering health and health policy, Medicare, Social Security, consumer protection, personal finance, and AARP state and national news developments, AARP Bulletin delivers the story behind the key issues confronting 50+ America. The monthly consumer-oriented news publication has become a must-read for congressional lawmakers and Washington opinion leaders, and it provides AARP members with pertinent information they need to know.

About AARP
AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering people 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. With a nationwide presence and nearly 38 million members, AARP strengthens communities and advocates for what matters most to families: health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. AARP also produces the nation's largest circulation publications: AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. To learn more, visit or follow @AARP and @AARPadvocates on social media.

For further information: Paola Torres, AARP, 202-434-2555,