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Oct 3, 2017
50+ Workers on the Move: More Than a Third Plan to Look for a New Job in Next Few Years
AARP Survey Also Finds Obstacles: Many have not applied for jobs or updated a resume in years, believe employers perceive age as disadvantage

WASHINGTON, DCMany older American workers say they plan on getting a new job.

A new AARP national survey shows that a fifth (20 percent) of 50+ workers say they looked for a new job in the last year, and a whopping 35 percent say that they will either “very likely” (18 percent) or “somewhat likely” (17 percent) look for a new position in the next three years.

At the same time, a large percentage of experienced workers admit to being a bit rusty when it comes to job searches.

Nearly half of workers surveyed (47 percent) say it has been 10 or more years since they have applied for a job, and four-in-ten (39 percent) admit that they have not updated their resume in over a similar period of time.

A further hurdle, according to two-thirds (64 percent) of the 50+ workers, is that employers would see their age as a disadvantage when making hiring decisions, the survey found.

“The economy has come a long way back since the Great Recession,” said AARP Senior Vice President Jean Setzfand in discussing the AARP study.  “Industries are growing, and experienced workers are attracted to new job opportunities.

“For employers with a labor shortage or skills gap, they should always consider turning to the experienced workforce,” Setzfand added.  “Experienced workers have higher levels of engagement, motivation and applied skills.”

She noted that the AARP Work and Jobs website ( provides insights and tools to help maximize mature workers’ career potential.  The Work and Jobs site includes a job search engine, a list of companies that have signed a pledge saying that they recognize the value of experienced workers, and tips for workers of all experience levels who are looking for work or exploring workplace options.

AARP members and non-members alike can access the information free, and search and apply for jobs for free, although those who wish to create a searchable profile for employers and post a resume will be asked to register on the AARP Job Board.

The AARP survey was fielded online between August 18 and 21 as part of GFK’s US Omnibus survey.  One thousand and three 50+ workers (that is, those working or looking for work) were surveyed, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.3 percentage points.

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About AARP
AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering Americans 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. With nearly 38 million members and offices in every state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, AARP works to strengthen communities and advocate for what matters most to families with a focus on health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. AARP also works for individuals in the marketplace by sparking new solutions and allowing carefully chosen, high-quality products and services to carry the AARP name.  As a trusted source for news and information, AARP produces the world’s largest circulation publications, AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. To learn more, visit or follow @AARP and @AARPadvocates on social media.

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