Alaska Airlines


Updated January 2020

Flight Schedules
Route map
Chart of station chronology

Alaska Air Group serves 115 destinations with 1,200 daily departures in the United States, Mexico, Canada and Costa Rica. 

The airline offers more nonstop flights from the West Coast than any other carrier. Though Alaska calls Seattle home, the company has hubs in Anchorage, Alaska, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Portland, Oregon. Other focus cities include San Diego and San Jose, California. 

Alaska Air Group

Average daily departures, by major region

Regions Average Daily Departures
Lower 48 States 1078
West Coast 959
Washington 345
California 341
Oregon 154
Alaska 42
Hawaii 29
Mexico 16
Canada 17


Average daily departures, by major market

Major Markets Average Daily Departures
Seattle 307
Portland, Oregon 127
San Francisco Bay Area** 133
Los Angeles Area * 111
Anchorage, Alaska 42
San Diego 48

* Los Angeles Area includes Los Angeles, Burbank, Ontario and Orange County.
**San Francisco Bay Area includes San Francisco, San Jose and Oakland.

Alaska Airlines - Capacity by region, as of March 2019

The information below indicates the percentage of Alaska Air Group's available seat miles (ASMs) used in the airline's primary markets. It does not include ASMs for charter flights.

Market % of total ASMs
Trans-continental 31%
California 18%
Hawaii 14%
Mid-continental 14%
Alaska 10%
Mountain region 6%
Mexico 4%
Pacific Northwest (feeder) 3%

Source: Company data